EBOOK – From here to there
Are you an executive, manager, teamleader or an entrepreneur building a team?
Are you taking your first steps into a leading role or fulfilling a leadership position for some time but you want to do things differently?
Are personal development and growth at the top of your priority list and a very important investment?
Do you want to bring out the very best in yourself and your people?
Do you want to achieve results beyond your wildest dreams?
Do you want to jump out of bed every morning in an outstanding mood, full of energy and ready to go?
Than you and I are on the exact same page!
What is your favourite moment of the workweek?
Friday afternoon? Closing day?

Imagine this…
you respond enthusiastically ‘my favorite moment is the first day of the workweek or Monday morning’;
you look forward to a new week full of chances and new opportunities;
your leadership role brings you joy, fulfillment and passion and you bring people together in the achievement of common goals.
Is this the life you really want but right now you are thinking ‘this is impossible’? That’s exactly what I would have thought a few years ago. Yet, today this is my daily reality. I believe you can achieve this as well. Because if I can, so can you! And I would love to help you!
It’s my mission to empower you in your leadership role and to help you build a solid foundation with harmony between the people-oriented and task-oriented aspects, so that you become the passionate travel guide leader who takes his team on the journey to successfully achieve common goals so you can produce efficient results together in a pleasant working environment.
With just 3 building blocks we can build the bridge between here and there,
between where you are now and where you want to go:

NEO VITA means “new life”. Within each of us there is a unique potential with a specific combination of strengths, qualities and talents, of knowledge and life experiences, that is waiting to come out. No one else has your specific mix of strengths combined with your personal story. Only, few people are aware of the richness hidden inside of them. Just like there is the potential in every acorn to grow into a large, strong oak tree, there is also a potential waiting inside of you to grow. In order to become a majestic oak, every acorn needs to end up in fertile ground, with sufficient food and sunlight for example. Only then the transformation will happen that makes every acorn grow into an oak tree. Once grown into a strong tree, the oak protects everything in its environment that grows and blooms. The oak protects and stimulates new life!